ENISA in 2015 - Annual Report

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ENISA releases its Annual Activity Report for 2015 giving an overview of ENISA’s operations and key activities on cyber security for the EU during the year.

This past year was particularly active - given the agreements on the NIS Directive, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the announcement of the Digital Single Market (DSM) initiative by the Commission, with the Agency working together with the EU institutions, contributing to the processes at the EU level and translating to stakeholders - and particularly industry - the new regulatory environment. These landmark agreements make the Agency’s work even more important within the EU on cybersecurity, and its stimulus to the internal market growth.

Highlights of the year, include best practices and recommendations in sectors such as e-health, finance, smart infrastructure and services, and cloud computing. The Agency continued work on renown activities such as Article 13a (disruption in the telecom sector) and Article 4 reporting (personal data breaches) and developing synergies between the two, and supported the implementation of the Article 19 (eIDAS), and CSIRTs training. Similarly, ENISA built on enhancing its presence further through key industry events and the increasing awareness through the annual Cyber Security Month (ECSM) and preparing for the pan-European cyber exercise in 2016. Article 14 requests - a mechanism which allows Member States and EU institutions to request specific items of work from the Agency beyond the work programme execution process - have grown in significance and demand, demonstrating an increase of 92%.

In 2015 the Agency successfully produced a total of fifty-three (53) deliverables on a variety of subjects. These range from national issues, such as the protection of critical infrastructures, to issues affecting citizens at an individual level such as privacy and data protection, and the annual report on cyber threats

Throughout 2015 ENISA strengthened relations with the institutions, the public sector, industry and the research community, and assisted in making significant improvements to the state of cybersecurity throughout the EU – in areas such as standardisation, PETs, privacy by design (PbD) -responding to a rapidly developing threat environment and helping Member States to lay solid foundations for the information systems of the future, while promoting best practices and developing synergies towards a smooth cyber EU environment.

All activities carried out during the year resulted in various best practices and recommendations, available online ENISA’s website.

For more information on ENISA’s work contact [email protected]